Oct 5: IA/SD

State Route 3, Iowa

All is clear, horizons are distant,
and we see the famed White Windmill of Hope
(I just made that up)

Yankton, South Dakota

Yankton is this cool town in the southeastern corner of the state

There are rude trucks there

You can take this unusual over/under bridge across the Missouri...

...visit Nebraska for about 30 sec, and come back!

(Don't get me wrong, I like driving through Nebraska
a lot. No time on this trip though.)

I-90, South Dakota

Back on the Interstate. South Dakota is a lot like Iowa, only without all those annoying trees and other objects.

We left a day late getting the house in order for rental, and have had to spend most of our miles on I-90, alas. State highways are way more fun to drive on. But even on the Interstate there are sights both odd...

...and vaguely disturbing

At lunch, Anne tries not to laugh at my antics

Badlands National Park

We approach. The jagged ridge is the western tongue
of the badlands, about 10 miles away.

Critters greet the visitor

And suddenly, you're lost!

40 degrees and 40MPH winds today, after
80s in Wisconsin and Iowa

It's worth a lot more than the time we have to give it.
As the sun sets, we move on to Rapid City.

the next day...